Club System

The aim of our school is to give a high quality education to ruler children, the motivation facts is the belief that children are God’s endowments on us and that we are duty, bound to raise them with knowledge, wisdom understanding and love. Such discernment is to be imparted from generation after generation. It is for this purpose our School has instituted some clubs.

  1. Math's Club:- The maths clubs are designed to provide fun,exciting and engaging maths activities for learners.The activities are designed to build strong number sense skills and a love for maths.

    • To improve and bring out the hidden mathematical talents of the student
    • To promote enthusiasm and interest in maths among the students
    • To develop students level of maths skills and knowledge and mathematical curiosity.

    1. Maths talent test
    2. Suduko game
    3. Maths puzzles
    4. Maths quiz
    5. Note on biography of mathematician's
    6. Mathamatical models
    7. Best maths model from waste
    8. Mathematical art
    9. Maths formulas

  2. Science Club:- Activity: Poster Painting

    To establish science club in our school and conducting various programs and activity under science club is because we had to inspire and motivate our students and indeed prepare our students for being researchers and scientists in our future generation and think for the well-being of the community.

    Under science-club I have conducted 1st activity of poster painting in the month of July 2018-2019.This activity was done by the students for creating awareness on various social issues among themselves and among the community.

    Activity was conducted in groups - STD 5th to 7th And Std-8th to 10th

    Topic Name
    Std 5th to 7th Topics
    1. Stop Global Warming
    2. Pollution
    3. Reuse, Recycle & Reduce Plastic

    Std 8th to10th Topics
    1. Save water, conserve it for better future.
    2. Save fuel, save earth.
    3. To be or not to be lies in your hand.
    4. Save energy, save money.
    5. Save girl child.


    All the students from STD 5th to 10th had participated in this activity. Since the activity was compulsory for all to develop their thinking ability and give them aright scope in the field of SCIENCE as well as ARTS.
    And this participation will also increase their ability of imagination or we can say this will increase their vision of imagination.


    All the staff members had helped in selecting the best painting. Best 5 paintings were selected from each group by Mrs. RaeesaMalwankar, Mrs. Khadija Shaikh, & Miss. Chougle Tuba.
    Final ranks were given by our school’s Chairman i.e. Respected Karim Sir & our Principal i.e. Respected Minal Miss. From each group 2ranks are given.


    STD 5th to 6th - 1st rank - Miss. Aasiya Abdullah Walele.
    2nd rank- Mr.Mohammed Azmat Barkatali Tambe.
    STD 7th TO 8TH - 1ST rank - Miss.Anam Salim Ladge.
    2nd rank- Miss.Maseeha A.Karim Gaibee
    STD 9th TO 10th - 1st rank- Mr. Raiyan Riyaz Chandle.
    2nd rank- Mr. Satyawid Kasare.


    Finally, it can be concluded from this activity that all our students have the power of imagination & they all can try & explain it by drawing or doing painting i.e. they all are able to use Art’s as a medium to express their views & create awareness in community on various issues.

  3. Eco - Club:- The aim of club is to create awareness among the students about nature, To create “Clean & Green” Consciousness to involve student in open orientation program in school & public areas maintaining hygienic & clean environment emphasizing on the concept of no plastic & polythene material to spread environment education, especially in non formal system among different sections of the society, club works on the slogans “Recycle, respect nature” conserve energy, Save water & love our school. Club provides the students with opportunities to take part in environments related activities & programs. they help in developing the qualities of leadership , planning team work, Besides providing leisure time activities eco club help to supplement knowledge obtained in classroom.

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Discipleship Centre (DC) was established in the year 1974. Since then the organization is working towards sustainable development of marginalized communities at a national level.
Over the past DC has responded to most of the disasters / calamities that have occurred in the country through the provision of immediate relief thus providing prompt help to the afflicted.

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